Clergy Official | August 24, 2024

Coat of Arms

Bishop David J. Bonnar announces the following Clergy and Pastoral Assignments effective September 2, 2024, unless otherwise noted: 


Clergy Assignments – Priests

Reverend Steven Agostino, from pastor of Saint Pope John XXIII Parish, Niles, (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and Saint Stephen Church) for health reasons to parochial vicar at Saint William Parish, Champion; Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish, Vienna; and Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish, Cortland; with residence at Saint Mary and Saint Joseph Church Rectory in Warren.

Very Reverend Michael D. Balash, from pro tem administrator of Saint Patrick Parish, Hubbard and sacramental minister at Trumbull North parishes, to pastor of Saint Patrick Parish, Hubbard, in addition to his current responsibilities as Vicar for Clergy and Religious Services, Director, Office of Worship and Director of Seminarians. Father Balash will remain in residence at Saint William Church Rectory until a suitable residence is located in Hubbard.

Very Reverend John-Michael Lavelle., as pro tem administrator of Saint Pope John XXIII Parish, Niles, (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and Saint Stephen Church) in addition to his current responsibilities as pastor of Saint Michael Parish, Canfield; Vicar for Missionary Discipleship; Director, Office of Development and Stewardship; and Director, Office of Communications.

Reverend Bala Prasad Marneni, from parochial vicar at Saint Columba Cathedral, Saint Edward Parish, and Holy Apostles Parish, Youngstown, to parochial vicar at Saint Pope John XXIII Parish, Niles, (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and Saint Stephen Church) and as chaplain of Saint Joseph the Provider School, Youngstown. Father Marneni will remain in residence at Saint Columba Cathedral until approval of Immigration Services and then reside at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Rectory in Niles.

Reverend John Rovnak, remaining as parochial vicar at Holy Family Parish, Poland, and Saint Paul Parish, New Middletown, effective immediately. Fr. Rovnak also continues as chaplain at Cardinal Mooney High School and his studies in Canon Law at Catholic University of America.


Clergy Assignments – Deacons

Deacon James Smith, has submitted his request for retirement from active diaconal responsibilities at Saint Edward Parish, Youngstown, effective September 1, 2024.

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