Communications Department



Mission Statement

Our mission is to invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. We seek to echo the Catholic faith in the six counties of the Diocese of Youngstown. We amplify the voice, plans and priorities of the diocese by utilizing multimedia and a wide range of communication strategies. We proclaim the Gospel, build up the Body of Christ, practice authentic dialogue and support the work of the Church, in a spirit of truth, transparency and consistency.

The Catholic Echo is the official media group of the Diocese of Youngstown.


Communications Webinars & Recordings

Our next Communications webinar will be ANSWERS TO YOUR CANVA QUESTIONS on Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 11am with Michael Houy. RSVP & send your questions to to receive the link to join. Anyone is welcome to participate!

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This office is the primary point of contact with news media throughout the six-county Diocese of Youngstown. Parishes and schools that receive media inquiries are also asked to consult with the Department of Communications. 

Please contact Dennis Biviano, Public Relations and Media Specialist, at or (330) 744-8451 x320.

Social Media

The Diocese’s Social Media Minister accompanies the faithful, and all people of good will, through our Diocese’s social media presence. This office manages all social media posts, moderates interaction and conversations, and provides social media consulting services to the Diocese’s parishes. In this way, this office helps fulfill Bishop Bonnar’s pastoral priority of Communications, using social media as the “front door of the Church.” 

Please contact Michael Houy, Social Media Minister, at or (330) 744-8451 x365.

Internal Communications

The Department of Communications provides publications and support for diocesan offices, parishes, Catholic schools, and affiliated lay organizations in the Diocese of Youngstown. Our diocesan affiliates receive benefits such as:

To inquire about these and other services provided by the Department of Communications, please contact Meagen Farrell, Communications Manager, at or (330) 744-8451 x275.

Our Sunday Mass

The Diocese continues to produce the award-winning Our Sunday Mass, previously called Mass for Shut-ins, filmed at St. Columba Cathedral in Youngstown. As early as 1954, the diocese was broadcasting Sunday Mass on radio with the help of a local AM station. Later, in the early 1960s, the first televised Mass was broadcast in partnership with local stations.  Our Sunday Mass may now be viewed online at, Facebook or YouTube starting at 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays.

In Youngstown, Warren, Mahoning Valley, watch on WFMJ TV-21: Sundays at 6 a.m.

In Stark County, watch on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.: Spectrum Cable in Canton – Channel 989: Massillon Cable Channel 128; or WIVM TV-39.

In nursing homes and prisons: The diocese continues to make Our Sunday Mass available in 10 nursing homes and 3 prisons, and mails Missalettes to homebound Catholics. For more information, contact Bob Gavalier at or 330-744-8451 x211.

The Catholic Echo Podcast

The Catholic Echo Podcast informs and entertains the faithful of the Diocese of Youngstown by discussing various topics that are relevant in the church today. Bishop David J. Bonnar begins the podcast with your host Dennis Biviano on the topic of the day. Various guests continue to inform us on timely topics relevant to our local Diocese.

Subscribe to The Catholic Echo Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or any major podcasting platform. Listen on Youngstown radio stations WHOT-FM 101, WYFM-FM 102.9, WQXK-FM 105.1 Sundays at 6:30 a.m. The Catholic Echo Podcast is produced by the Communications Department of the Diocese of Youngstown with the support of the Annual Diocesan Appeal.


Wineskins is now available as a podcast! Subscribe to Wineskins on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or any major podcasting platform to follow along with your host, Fr. Jim Korda.

Wineskins airs every Sunday at 6:00 a.m. on WHOT-FM 101, WYFM-FM 102.9 & WQXK-FM 105.1 in Youngstown; 7:30 a.m. on WKBN 570 AM in Youngstown and WRQX 600 AM in Salem; 9:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on WILB AM Canton 1060, WILB FM 89.5 Youngstown & WILB FM 94.5 Canton.

The award-winning “Wineskins” radio program has been airing on local radio stations in the Youngstown, Ohio, area since the 1980s. “Wineskins” features reflections on the lives of the saints and the sacred scriptures, along with thoughts on a variety of topics and issues from a Catholic perspective. “Wineskins” is produced by the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown. Wineskins is brought to you by the Annual Diocesan Appeal, the Catholic Communication Campaign and St. Paul’s Catholic Books and gifts, a division of The Society of St. Paul.

Priests smiling and singing

Communiqué: Diocesan Office Announcements

The Communique is a monthly internal publications offering important information from diocesan offices for parish ministry leaders. It also includes promotional materials for diocesan events and programs, where applicable.


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