Communique | December 2022

Advent Wreath

We Wish You a Blessed Advent

We wait in joyful hope for the Word to be made flesh, for the God of the Universe to awaken our compassion as a vulnerable child, and for all the angels and saints to join in adoration.

The Communique collects important information provided by diocesan offices for parish ministry leaders. It also includes promotional materials for diocesan events and programs, where applicable.

Printable Formats 

Attachments are now provided as downloadable files in one folder:


Digital Format:

The full Communique – including attachments – is available below digitally. Announcements are listed by diocesan departments and office. We are once again accepting submissions for parish events, which are listed by County.

Announcements suitable or adaptable for parish bulletins are noted. Where applicable, graphic files are included: click (or right click) to save/download. Attachments (e.g. flyers) are also included within the notices for each office below.

Diocesan Events can also be found on our Events Calendar.

Quote of the Month

“Advent is thus a favourable time to pray with greater intensity, to reserve to the spiritual life the important place it deserves.” Pope Francis, Angelus, 10th December 2017

“Advent is thus a favourable time to pray with greater intensity, to reserve to the spiritual life the important place it deserves.”

–Pope Francis, Angelus, December 10, 2017

Table of Contents


Office of Safe Environment (Bulletin Materials | Materiales de Boletín)

Safe Environment Bulletin Announcements (Bulletin Materials | Materiales de Boletín)

The attached bulletin announcement regarding education, screening, reporting, and victim assistance, should be included bi-monthly (every two months) in all parish bulletins. 

Safe Environment Policy

Link: Safe Environment Page

Link: Background Check Requirements

Who needs to be compliant?
  1. All active clergy, religious, seminarians, and persons in formation are required to be compliant.
  2. All employees in parishes, schools, and institutions, including the Diocesan Central Offices, are required to be compliant regardless of their level of contact with children or vulnerable adults.
  3. Any volunteer who has unsupervised access to a child or vulnerable adult, or who works directly with a child or vulnerable adult, or who is responsible for a child or vulnerable adult on behalf of the Diocese, must be compliant.
Compliance Requirements (Available on the Safe Environment Page)
  1. VIRTUS Account Creation and VIRTUS Training
    1. Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to create an account and complete the online training in either English or Spanish.
    2. If you completed VIRTUS in a different diocese you can transfer or mirror your account by emailing a request to the VIRTUS online help desk (  Please include your full name, email address, original diocese and new diocese, your new parish / school, plus a phone number in case they need to contact you.
    3. VIRTUS training is valid for five years.  An online recertification module is required every five years to maintain compliance.
    4. Aside from VIRTUS, child/vulnerable adult protection in-service or online courses from other agencies, employers, dioceses, Scouts, etc., are not valid for compliance in the Diocese of Youngstown.
  2. Authorization & Verification and Acknowledgement Form (Appendix 9)
    1. Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to review an electronic copy of the Safe Environment Policy
    2. After you have reviewed this policy, print a copy of Appendix 9.  Both pages must be completed, and the document requires a witness signature for validity.  The witness can be anyone.
    3. The original must be submitted to the Compliance Officer at your parish, school, or institution.  The Compliance Officer will forward a copy to the diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator.
    4. Appendix 9 may not be edited.  If any lines of text are removed, crossed off, or altered, the document is not valid for compliance.
  3. Fingerprinting and Background Checks
    1. Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to review our background check requirements, codes, and instructions, a background check location finder, and a list of criminal offenses that automatically disqualify an applicant from working with children or vulnerable adults.
    2. A BCI or BCI/FBI background check is required for compliance. In extraordinary circumstances, the Office of Safe Environment reserves the right to alter background check requirements for individuals, unless the requirements are stipulated by the State of Ohio. This includes the right to require background checks from other background check providers besides the Civilian Identification Office.
    3. Background checks are valid for five years and must be renewed to maintain compliance.
    4. The Civilian Identification Office must send the BCI and/or FBI background check results directly to the Office of Safe Environment at the Diocese.  This needs to be communicated to the person doing the background check: Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, Attn: Office of Safe Environment, 144 West Wood Street, Youngstown, OH 44503
    5. If background check results are sent to the wrong location, they are not valid for compliance.  Additionally, background checks completed for other agencies, employers, dioceses, public schools, certifications, etc., or in other States, are not valid for compliance in the Diocese of Youngstown.
A person is not compliant until their VIRTUS account notes the dates of completion for all three compliance requirements (VIRTUS Training, Appendix 9, Background Check). 
Updating Information

Compliance Officers must submit a Change of Location Form to the Safe Environment Coordinator to add a new person to their Safe Environment Master Report or to request records from other locations.  Individuals can be removed/inactivated by emailing the Safe Environment Coordinator. Compliance Officers should monitor the compliance status of individuals at their location via the VIRTUS database.

Reporting Child/Vulnerable Adult Abuse or Other Policy Violations

If you or someone you know has been abused at any time by a priest, deacon, religious, seminarian, person in formation, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Youngstown, or if you believe that abuse has occurred or is currently occurring, contact civil authorities and also Mr. Dominic Colucy, Victim Assistance Coordinator, (office) 330-744-8451 x293 or (response line) 330-718-1388.

To report a violation of the Safe Environment Policy that does not constitute abuse or suspected abuse contact Mr. Dominic Colucy, Safe Environment Coordinator, (office) 330-744-8451 x293 or (response line) 330-718-1388.

Visit the Safe Environment page on the diocesan website to find our most up-to-date Reporting Requirements and Procedures in English and Spanish, as well as links to additional reporting resources.

Questions or Concerns

For more information about the Diocese of Youngstown Safe Environment Policy, contact Mr. Dominic Colucy by mail: 144 W. Wood Street, Youngstown, OH  44503, phone: 330-744-8451 x293; fax: 330-744-5099; or e-mail:

Letters of Suitability

Please note that no priest or deacon may exercise ministry within the Diocese of Youngstown without being granted faculties/permission by the bishop. It is the obligation of the pastor of the parish where ministry or speaking engagement will occur (or other responsible person outside a parish setting) to ensure that the visiting cleric has obtained a letter of suitability. Without such a letter, the Diocese, the parish or school and the pastor or president could become legally liable should any wrongdoing occur. 

The visiting cleric himself should ask his bishop or religious superior to send a letter of suitability to Bishop Bonnar. Letters of suitability are to be sent from one bishop/superior to another, not directly to a parish, since it is the bishop who is responsible for determining a cleric’s suitability for ministry. 

If you have any questions, please contact Msgr. Zuraw, Vicar General.



Thank you to everyone who participated in our county-wide Eucharistic Processions throughout the Diocese of Youngstown, celebrating the first part of the Diocesan Year of the National Eucharistic Revival. We now enter the second half of the Diocesan Year with opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Hours. Beginning this December, we will visit a different county of the diocese each month. 


Eucharistic Revival: Adoration and Holy Hour (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

All are invited to join Bishop Bonnar as the Eucharistic Revival continues! The Holy Hour will begin with a brief understanding of the importance of Eucharistic Adoration, followed by time spent in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Our first celebration will be:

Sunday, December 11 at 1:00pm at Little Flower Parish in Canton

Please consider joining us on this joyful Sunday of our Advent journey as we spend time in prayer with our Lord. 


In subsequent months, we will visit other parishes throughout the diocese: Saint Christine Parish, Youngstown (January 15); Saint Patrick Parish, Hubbard (February 12); Saint Joan of Arc Parish, Streetsboro (March 19); Corpus Christi Parish, Conneaut (April 16); Saint Jude Parish, Columbiana (May 21). Please make sure to mark your calendar for the Holy Hour in your county.  

Archives Office-NEW

Questions About Parish Records?

As we strive to preserve our history, we welcome questions and suggestions.  If you would like to ask about what to save or dispose of in your parish records, you are welcome to contact Joan Lawson, Archivist, at 330-744-8451 x290, or email

From 1975-1977, the Diocese of Youngstown was in local synod, as we are today in a global synod.  Our diocesan archives maintains boxes of records from that synod. In the midst of the synodal process, the diocese published a statement for discussion  in preparation for a general assembly.  The conclusion of the statement includes words that seem especially appropriate as Advent inspiration today:

“We have presented ourselves as a people of God in Christ called to holiness and ministry.  We have described our mission and future directions in terms of being a priestly people striving to build a godly community; a prophetic people, standing for God’s place in our lives; and a servant people building peace on earth by pursuing justice.” 

Bishop Bonnar's 2023 Pilgrimage

Make plans to join Bishop David Bonnar's Pilgrimage to Scotland and Ireland in June 2023. For more info, email

Ministerio Hispano | Hispanic Ministry (Bulletin Materials | Materiales de Boletín)-NEW

Our Lady of Guadalupe Diocesan Celebration | Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Celebración Diocesana (Bulletin Materials | Materiales de Boletín)

All are welcome to join Bishop David J. Bonnar in a Diocesan Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12, 2022. 6:00pm Mass at the Cathedral of St. Columba includes mariachi music and presentation of roses to Our Lady. Reception to follow at 7:00pm at Ursuline High School (Youngstown) with food from local Mexican restaurants, dance presentations, and the story of Our Lady’s appearance to Juan Diego.


Lunes el 12 de diciembre de 2022 | Monday, December 12, 2022

6:00 pm MISA | MASS

Catedral de San Columba

154 West Wood Street, Youngstown, OH 44502

Presidirá el Obispo David Bonnar. Habrá música mariachi y presentación de rosas a la Virgen.

Bishop Bonnar will preside. Will include mariachi music and presentation of roses to Our Lady.


Ursuline High School

750 Wick Ave., Youngstown, OH 44502

Comida de restaurantes mexicanos locales con presentaciones de danza y el relato de las apariciones de la Virgen a Juan Diego.

Food from local Mexican restaurants with dance presentations and the story of apparitions of Our Lady to Juan Diego.

Questions? Contact Rev. Brian Smith, Diocesan Director of Hispanic Ministry at

Diocesan Communications Collection (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Diocesan Communications Collection: January 7 & 8, 2023 (Bulletin Materials)** -NEW


Below are three bulletin announcements that can be used to announce our new “Diocesan Communications Collection” – for December 31/January 1, January 7/8 (the day of the collection) and January 14/15 (after the collection). Thank you to those parishes who were able to add the “Diocesan Communications Collection” (January 7/8) and the “Seminarian Support Collection” (April 29/30) in their regular envelopes. The diocese will provide envelopes to the rest. 

Please also include these new collections in your parish online giving selections, and please note the diocesan giving page in each recommended bulletin announcement below. Flyers are also provided in this Communique.


Weekend of December 31/January 1 (or earlier):

Diocesan Communications Collection: Epiphany Weekend

In the Christmas Season, we are also called to share the good news of Jesus who is made known in our faith community. One way we can do this is by supporting the “Diocesan Communications Collection” on January 7 and 8, the Solemnity of the Epiphany. This collection supports the new initiatives of the Diocese of Youngstown’s Communications Office, including The Catholic Echo – a new magazine and multimedia website – along with a contemporary social media studio that will help us produce videos, podcasts and more. Your gift will help us to reach out to younger Catholics and help support critical services to the homebound, including the recorded Sunday Mass and radio and television ministry. Thank you for your gift on January 8, or online through your parish’s e-giving, or at

Weekend of January 7/8, 2023:

Diocesan Communications Collection: Epiphany Weekend

On this celebration of Christ’s Epiphany, we dare to believe that the light of Christ shines in each one of us. Our new diocesan Communications initiatives will shine a light on the good news of our Catholic community in every county of our diocese, through The Catholic Echo – a new magazine and multimedia website – and a contemporary social media studio that will help us produce videos, podcasts and more. Our diocesan Communications Department also provides necessary publicity and information services to parishes and diocesan offices. Your gift will help us to reach out to younger Catholics and help support critical services to the homebound, including the recorded Sunday Mass and radio and television ministry. Thank you for your gift in today’s second collection, online through your parish’s e-giving, or at

After January 7/8, 2023:

Diocesan Communications Collection: Gratitude

Many thanks to those who already supported this year’s Diocesan Communications Collection on January 7 and 8. Your gift will help us spread the good news of our Catholic community in every county of our diocese, through The Catholic Echo – a new magazine and multimedia website – and a contemporary social media studio that will help us produce videos, podcasts and more. As we celebrate the “Sunday of the Word of God” on January 21 and 22, please pray for our communications ministries, and all who echo God’s word in liturgical, catechesis and service ministries. Please know that your contributions will help us reach out to younger Catholics and help support critical services to the homebound, including the recorded Sunday Mass and radio and television ministry. If you are able, you can still give to our Diocesan Communications Collection online at

Canonical Services

Tribunal In-Service Available

The Tribunal staff has made available an ongoing, in-service for pastors, associates, deacons, religious, directors of religious education, religious education coordinators and counselors in order to prepare them in facilitating pleas for nullity for persons within the community whose marriages have broken down and who may be seeking a second union recognized by the Church.

The in-service focuses on preparation of case histories, compilation of documents, witnesses and determining of the appropriate grounds of nullity. Covered also are other types of nullity procedures.

Size of the in-service is in small groups of between 8-12 participants and generally runs approximately two hours. The in-service is offered at either the offices of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Youngstown or at a parish in the Canton area.

Interested parties, who have not already registered or who need a “refresher” should call the Tribunal at (330) 744-8451, ext. 252, to have their names placed on the registrant list. You would then be contacted when there are at least eight registrants for a particular location.

Catholic Charities Services

Catholic Charities (Bulletin Materials)-NEW


You can click on links below, or download bulletin announcements, images and flyers in this month’s Communique attachments folder at

Season of Giving (Bulletin Materials)

Each year, from November 1 through December 31, Catholic Charities hosts our annual “Season of Giving.”  It is during this time of Thanksgiving and Christmas blessings that so many of our loyal friends are inspired to get involved and give back to the community.  We offer a variety of ways that you too can get involved in this season of giving back to those who need our help the most.

  • Pray  
  • Donate
  • Volunteer
  • Participate
  • Get Social

To get more information on how you can get involved, please visit our website

Image attached.

LOGO - Season of Giving - Catholic Charities

Breakfast with the Bishop Event (Bulletin Materials)

To kick off #GivingTuesday, we are hosting our very first “Breakfast with the Bishop.” This event will take place on Tuesday, November 29; from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Basilica, Youngstown.  Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy a hearty breakfast, learn about Catholic Charities, and hear from The Most Reverend, David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown.  All proceeds from this event will support Catholic Charities’ basic needs assistance programs throughout the Diocese of Youngstown. Tickets are on sale now and must be purchased in advance as space is limited.

To reserve your tickets or to make a donation, please visit our website. For parishes or local businesses interested in purchasing AD space in our event program booklet, please contact Jennifer Lucarelli at 330-744-8451, or

Flyer and image attached.

Giving Tuesday (Bulletin Materials)

#Giving Tuesday is one of the largest giving days and one of the most successful social media campaigns all over the world!  You, too, can participate in this global event. You can make a difference! Visit the Catholic Charities website on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2022 and make a gift, and your gift will automatically be DOUBLED thanks to our corporate sponsors! A list of sponsors will be available on our website beginning on November 1, 2022.

Proceeds from #GivingTuesday will help support the many programs and ministries of Catholic Charities in all (6) counties of the Diocese of Youngstown. 

Image attached.

Giving Tuesday Catholic Charities

Support for Ukraine – Financial Support (Bulletin Materials)

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Youngstown continues to accept financial contributions to assist the people of Ukraine. 100% of the funds we receive in the Diocese of Youngtown for Ukraine will be divided between the United State Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Subcommittee on Aid to the Church in Eastern Europe and Catholic Relief Services, unless otherwise specified by the donor. Both of these organizations are uniquely suited to help, since they and their partners have been “on the ground” for years doing critical work. Both are intently focused right now on supporting the emergency needs of Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees, with any additional funds (if applicable) supporting ongoing needs in Eastern Europe and globally. Please note that Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Youngstown does not process or keep any of these disaster donations for Ukraine for our local efforts in the collection process. All of the money goes to the people who desperately need it.

Support for Ukraine – Sponsor Support (Bulletin Materials)

Uniting for Ukraine is a streamlined process that allows for Ukrainian citizens who have been displaced by Russia’s aggression to apply for humanitarian parole in the United States.

Under Uniting for Ukraine, the U.S. government allows people fleeing the war in Ukraine to seek refuge in the United States on a temporary basis known as humanitarian parole, with the support of a sponsor in the United States. The sponsor will provide financial support to meet the basic needs of someone fleeing Ukraine. They may also provide additional support, such as assistance enrolling in educational or training programs or securing employment.

Sponsors can be U.S. citizens, permanent residents or other lawfully present individuals. This includes individuals on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and refugees. Groups of sponsors, nonprofits, educational institutions, and employers can also help sponsor people fleeing Ukraine.

So far this year, more than 70,000 Americans have applied to become a sponsor. If you are already connected to a Ukrainian individual or family, please use this link for information on becoming a sponsor.


According to the USCCB, this program will need an additional 30,000 to 40,000 American households to register as sponsors in the months to come. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, but are not currently connected to a Ukrainian individual or family, learn more about how may be able to connect with someone in need in order to become their sponsor by viewing the link below. *The responsibility for making a “connection” will fall upon the Ukrainian beneficiary. It must be their final decision to connect.


Catholic Charities Serving Stark and Portage Counties (Bulletin Materials)

Adult Day Services in Louisville is Accepting Participants (Bulletin Materials)

The Adult Day Services (ADS) facility operated by Catholic Charities serving Portage and Stark Counties is open and accepting participants on a limited basis. ADS offers a safe and secure environment for older adults in need of supervision or assistance with activities of daily living while family caregivers are at work or attending to other responsibilities. We have implemented strict pandemic related protocols to ensure the health and safety of participants and staff alike. Our well-maintained facility is located on the St. Joseph Senior Living Campus in Louisville, Ohio. For more information about the program, please call 330-875-7979 or send an email to Troy Cochran at


Office of Peace and Justice (Bulletin Materials)

Prison Ministry Presents – Kolbe Gathering (Bulletin Materials)

Flyer and image attached

Kolbe Gathering is a place for the formerly incarcerated and their families to join with parish-based volunteers in spiritual support and fellowship. Embrace spirituality in prayer, music, scripture reading and fellowship, all in a welcoming and warm environment.

For further information contact William Barber, Coordinator for Prison Ministry, at 330.235.3920.

Department of Communications

Catholic Exponent

Full Page Flyer

Publication dates and special sections for the Exponent are as follows:

  • November 25 (Special Sections: Christmas Recipes / Christmas Gifts)
  • December 9 (Special Sections: Christmas Gifts / Nativity Pictures)
  • December 23 (Special Section: Christmas Greetings

The normal deadline for each issue is 12 days before the publication date. We try to get late information into the issue, but are sometimes limited by lack of available space.

Announcing the Catholic Echo -NEW

The Diocese of Youngstown is pleased to announce a new print product, The Catholic Echo magazine, debuting in Spring 2023. Building on the 77-year legacy of The Catholic Exponent newspaper, which will produce its final issue in February 2023, The Catholic Echo magazine, website and supporting multimedia products will highlight all aspects of Catholic life across the six counties of the diocese—and a new circulation model will ensure that all registered parishioners in the diocese receive the publication with no subscription cost.

For more information, please see:

Multimedia | CTNY (Bulletin Materials) -NEW


Wineskins (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Wineskins airs every Sunday: 

  • 7:30 a.m. on WKBN 570 AM in Youngstown
  • 7:30 a.m. on WRQX 600 AM in Salem
  • 9:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on WILB AM Canton 1060, WILB FM 89.5 Youngstown, WILB FM 94.5 Canton

Listen to Wineskins on the diocesan website at and click the Wineskins button. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates when we post a new episode:

December 4, 2022 

  • Current Issue:  Fr. Korda talks with Jill Valentic about Catholic Charities.
  • Saint:  Anthony Huff from St. Angela Merici Parish in Youngstown will tell us about St. Nicholas.
  • Interview:  Fr. Korda will begin a series on Vatican II this week’s topic is The Liturgy.
  • Music:  From the CD “Joy To The World” by Daniel Smith. 
  • Scripture:  Fr. Zach Coulter will tell us about the Scriptures for the 2nd Sunday of Advent.

 December 11, 2022

  • Current Issue:  Fr. John-Michael Lavelle will talk about Racism.
  • Saint:  Anthony Huff from St. Angela Merici Parish in Youngstown will tell us about Our Lady of Guadalupe.
  • Interview:  Fr. Korda continues a series on Vatican II this week’s topic is Communication.
  • Music:  From the CD “Joy To The World” by Daniel Smith. 
  • Scripture:  Fr. Zach Coulter will tell us about the Scriptures for the 3rd Sunday of Advent.

 December 18, 2022

  • Current Issue:  Fr. Korda talks with Fr. Brian Smith about Hispanic Ministry.
  • Saint:  Anthony Huff from St. Angela Merici Parish in Youngstown will tell us about St. Peter Canisius.
  • Interview:  Fr. Korda continues a series on Vatican II this week’s topic is The Church.
  • Music:  From the CD “Joy To The World” by Daniel Smith. 
  • Scripture:  Fr. Zach Coulter will tell us about the Scriptures for the 4th Sunday of Advent.

December 25, 2022

  • Current Issue:  Fr. Korda talks with Nancy Voitus about Catholic Charities.
  • Saint:  Anthony Huff from St. Angela Merici Parish in Youngstown will tell us about St. Stephen.
  • Interview:  Fr. Korda continues a series on Vatican II this week’s topic is Ecumenism.
  • Music:  From the CD “Joy To The World” by Daniel Smith. 
  • Scripture:  Fr. Zach Coulter will tell us about the Scriptures for The Nativity of the Lord, Christmas Day.
How to Watch the Mass for Shut-Ins

The diocese continues to produce the Mass for Shut-Ins. The Mass may be viewed the following ways:


In Youngstown, Warren, Mahoning Valley:

  • On WFMJ TV-21: Sundays at 6 a.m.
  • On Armstrong Cable Channel 45: Sundays at 8 a.m., noon, 7 p.m., for the time being.
Currently, a technical difficulty was making it unavailable on Spectrum Cable Channel 9, 13, or 14 in the Youngstown-Warren area.
In Stark County:
  • On Spectrum Cable in Canton – Channel 989: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
  • On Massillon Cable Channel 128: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
  • On WIVM TV-39: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

In nursing homes and prisons:

  • The diocese continues to make its televised Mass available in 10 nursing homes and 3 prisons. For more information, contact Bob Gavalier at 330-533-2243. 

Any further updates to diocesan cable TV programming will be noted at

Media Relations

1. Parishes and other diocesan entities who receive inquiries from the media are asked to consult with Justin Huyck, Director of Communications: (330) 744-8451, ext. 320;

2. Please also kindly inform the Communications Department when your programs, initiatives, and ministries are featured in the news media.

3. The Communications Department is available to consult on news releases regarding events and initiatives. Processes will continue to be developed to assist these efforts.

Office of Social Media -NEW

1. Advent Reflections – Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays -NEW

For this Advent season, beginning on November 27, diocesan social media presents video reflections offered by Catholic leaders from around the diocese posted to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. for your personal prayer experience and to share with those in your parish, school, agency and ministry. 

Facebook Page:


YouTube Channel:

2. DOY Social Media Networking Facebook Group for Social Media Contacts

Ongoing networking regarding social media can be found on Facebook in a private group by searching for “DOY Social Media Networking” or click:

This is a great place to share resources, ask questions and meet others around the diocese doing social media for their parishes, schools, offices and agencies. You can also share upcoming events that you’d like to invite others to so they can share in social media as well. This is also a key way the Social Media Minister is sharing insights as to avoid overwhelming contacts email boxes. 

3. Social Media Helpful Hint of the Month –  Facebook Groups -NEW

If you manage Facebook Groups, you are likely aware of the many changes Meta has been making, including that anyone can see/preview those not listed as Private or Secret, but must request to join to post.  (So, double check your Group settings as needed.)  The newest change is that ANY member can make themselves Moderators if you enable it from a pop-up notification that looks like it might be a good idea to try, but IGNORE it.  Keep only your Group Administrators in control.  Or select specific members you know and trust to become Moderators.  You can see an image of the pop-up and more information at:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cindee Case,

Clergy and Religious Services

Office of Clergy Services

1. Advent Day of Recollection – Save the Date

An Advent Day of Recollection will be held on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 beginning at 2:00 p.m. and will conclude with dinner at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Basilica in Youngstown.  Rev. Joseph McCraffrey, pastor of Holy Spirit Parish in New Castle will be the presenter. He was ordained in 1987 and in addition to his pastoral assignments he was the first Catholic Chaplain to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the Pittsburgh office. He remains chaplain to the FBI and is a member of the Advanced Crisis Intervention team. He is also a licensed private pilot and in 2014 he had the opportunity to fly with the Blue Angels and was elected President of the National Association of Priests Pilots in 2019.

2. New Order of Penance

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, USCCB President issued a promulgation decree on June 24, 2022, for the recently confirmed Order of Penance.  The new translation may be used beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023, and the date for obligatory use has been set for Sunday, April 16, 2023.  

Four publishers will produce ritual editions for use in the United States. Some presales began October 1, 2022: 

  1. Catholic Book Publishing Corp:
  2. Liturgy Training Publications:
  3. Magnificat:
  4. and Midwest Theological Forum.

Office of Vocations -NEW

Seminarian Pastoral Intern

The following Seminarian has been assigned as a Pastoral Intern for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.

Mr. Travis Seagraves: Our Lady of Peace, Ashtabula

Please remember him, the people of Ashtabula, and all of our seminarians in your prayers.

Seminarian Posters and Prayer Cards -NEW

The Seminarian Posters and Prayer Cards are now available! They are being mailed directly to parishes. There are a limited number of extra prayer cards and posters. If you would like any additional cards or posters, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or

Vocation Director at Your Parish / School

If you have a special youth ministry, parish, retreat, or vocational event, that you would like the Diocesan Vocation Director to attend, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at

Come and See the Seminary: February 10-12, 2023 (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Saint Mary Seminary & Borromeo Seminary are once again offering “Come and See” Weekends. These are opportunities for men who are open to priesthood formation can experience life in the Seminary. The next Come and See Weekend is scheduled for February 10-12, 2023. If you know of anyone interested in this time of prayer, discovery, and discernment, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at

Image attached

Seminarian Visits to Your School or Parish

Please remember all of the seminarians we have currently studying in our diocese. They are all willing and available to come and speak at your parish or school. To schedule, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at

“Discovery Days” [Seminary Field Trips] -NEW

Considered having your school go on a field trip to the Seminary to see what it’s all about? There are many opportunities for 7th/8th grade and High School visits to Saint Mary Seminary & Graduate School of Theology in Cleveland. For more information, please contact Fr. Chad Johnson at 330-744-8451 or by email at

Vocation Intercessions and Bulletin Blurbs (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Click the links below or see the Communiqué attachments folder at

for vocation intercessions and bulletin blurbs for the month of November. Please use these in your bulletins and at Mass to help promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life in your parish community and school.

Vocations Bulletin Briefs (Bulletin Materials)

Vocation Bulletin Inserts

December 2022/Cycle A

The following parish bulletin blurbs are provided for your use to support the development of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in our diocese. They are keyed to the liturgical calendar for placement in your weekly bulletin. Your support is most appreciated.

First Sunday of Advent – November 27, 2022

“They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” If you think that God is calling you to serve the Lord of the harvest as a priest, deacon, sister or brother, contact Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or


Second Sunday of Advent— December 4, 2022

Are you called to be “A herald’s voice in the desert” preparing the way of the Lord in the hearts of His people? If you are considering a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life, contact Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or

Third Sunday of Advent – December 11, 2022

“I send my messenger ahead of you to prepare your way before you.” Are you called to be sent by Jesus as a priest, deacon, sister or brother? Contact Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or


Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 18, 2022

“When Joseph awoke he did as the angel of the Lord directed him.” Are you prayerfully vigilant about discovering your vocation in Christ? Might He be inviting you to the priesthood or consecrated life? Contact Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or


Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord – December 25, 2022

“He gave power to become children of God.” If you think you may be called to share the Father’s love as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, contact Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or


Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God – January 1, 2023

“God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts.” If the Spirit of Jesus is prompting you to love and serve Him as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, contact Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or


Solemnity of The Epiphany of the Lord – January 8, 2023

“And after they came into the house, they saw the Child with His mother Mary; and they fell down and worshiped Him.” God has chosen each person in Christ for a particular vocation. If He may be calling you to be holy and worship Him through a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life, contact Fr. Chad Johnson at (330) 744-8451 or

Vocations Intercessions (Bulletin Materials)

Vocation General Intercessions

December 2022/Cycle A

The following intercessions are provided for your use to support the development of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in our diocese. They are keyed to the liturgical calendar. Please consider including them in your mass intentions.

First Sunday of Advent – November 27, 2022

That we all may be attentive in listening for God’s call, and especially that those who God has called to the priesthood or consecrated religious life will hear Him and answer, we pray to the Lord.


Second Sunday of Advent — December 4, 2022

For all those chosen by Christ to “prepare the way of the Lord” in their hearts and in the hearts of His people as priests, deacons, brothers and sisters, we pray to the Lord.


Third Sunday of Advent — December 11, 2022

For men and women called by the Lord to be priests, deacons and consecrated religious, that the peace of Christ will guard their hearts and minds as they proclaim the good news of salvation to His people, we pray to the Lord.


Fourth Sunday of Advent — December 18, 2022

For a deeper trust and docility to the Holy Spirit among persons discerning a call to serve Christ as a priest deacon or in the consecrated life, we pray to the Lord.


Christmas — December 25, 2022

That as Joseph and Mary welcomed the gift of the Child Jesus, all mothers and fathers will prayerfully foster each of their children’s vocations in Christ and especially welcome His call for priests, brothers and sisters, we pray to the Lord.

9. Vocations Social Media

Office of Vowed Religious

World Day for Consecrated Life

Bishop David Bonnar will celebrate the annual World Day for Consecrated Life Mass on Sunday, February 5, 2023 at St. Columba Cathedral at 10:30 a.m. Be sure to mark your calendars for this annual diocesan celebration of Consecrated Life. Light refreshments will follow (pending COVID restrictions).

New and Returning Religious

This is a reminder for any religious (involved in ministry, student, or retired) who is new, or has recently returned to the Diocese of Youngstown, and has not yet contacted the Office of Vowed Religious, to kindly do so as soon as possible. Please also note that there are some new requirements for our Child Protection Policy.  Please call Sr. Joyce Candidi at (330) 744-8451, ext. 238 or e-mail

Retirement Fund for Religious

Thank you for your generosity on behalf of those who have consecrated their lives in service to God. The Retirement Fund donation page is available year round.

Development and Stewardship Offices

Office of the Annual Diocesan Appeal

2022 Annual Diocesan Appeal

Father John-Michael Lavelle’s updates regarding the appeal are posted at 

Office of Development and Stewardship

Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts (Bulletin Materials | Materiales del Boletín) -NEW

“Let us focus on generosity, or returning God’s gifts with increase, through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure.”

It is recommended that every week, in every parish, a stewardship reflection should be included in the weekly bulletin.

Please see below for this month’s Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts in English & Spanish, or download the file from this month’s Attachments folder at

Stewardship Bulletin Thoughts | English (Bulletin Materials)

November 27, 2022

1st Sunday of Advent

“Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42

People who have had health issues or near-death experiences generally have a greater appreciation for each day being a gift from God. The rest of us usually take for granted that we will be around tomorrow. But when you start to look at each day as a gift, you realize all the little miracles that happen daily and you begin to see God’s active presence in your life. You grow in gratitude, each day, for all that we have been given.

December 4, 2022

2nd Sunday of Advent

“Therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” Matthew 3:10

Do you bear good fruit for Jesus? Do you spend time in prayer or do you waste it with mindless activity? Do you use your talent to help others or are you too busy? Do you use your treasure to support the Church or do you buy more things that go unused. Our time, talent and treasure are gifts from God. What we do with these gifts is our gift back to Him. What gifts are you planning to give to the Lord during this upcoming Christmas season?

December 11, 2022

3rd Sunday of Advent

“You too must be patient. Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand.” JAMES 5:8

Patience is another one of those things many of us struggle with. We want things to go according to our plan and our schedule; we like things to be convenient. Any change brings anxiety and fear. Through daily prayer God reveals to us what He wants us to do with the gifts He has given us. We are able to better align ourselves with God’s will and His plan, which is far better than anything we can come up with on our own.

December 18, 2022

4th Sunday of Advent

“When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.” MATTHEW 1:24

Putting our complete trust in the Lord without expecting anything in return. Striving to put God first in all things and follow Him wherever He may led us. Joseph was a model of these pillars of our faith. As we prepare for the birth of our Lord, pray for the strength and courage to be a model of discipleship, just as Joseph was.

December 25, 2022

Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, Christmas

“And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us…” John 1:14

God made us to be in relationship with Him. He loves each of us individually. Through sin, our relationship with God was broken. He gave us Jesus to restore our relationship. Being a disciple of Jesus we are given the model to obtain eternal life in Heaven. Christmas isn’t about the material gifts we receive, it’s about the love that God, Our Father, gave us by giving us His Son, Jesus – the best gift we could ever receive.

Reflexiones del Boletín de Corresponsibilidad | Español (Materiales del Boletín)

27 de noviembre de 2022

1er. Domingo de Adviento

“¡Por lo tanto permanezcan despiertos! Ya que no saben que Día vendrá nuestro Señor.” Mateo 24: 42

Las personas que tiene problemas de salud o experiencias cercanas a la muerte generalmente aprecian mejor el hecho de que cada día es un don de Dios. El resto de nosotros da por sentado que estaremos aquí el día de mañana. Sin embargo, al comenzar a ver cada día como un don, se dará cuenta de todos los pequeños milagros que suceden diariamente y comenzara a ver la presencia activa de Dios en su vida. Su gratitud crecerá cada día, por todo lo que se nos ha dado.

4 de diciembre de 2022

2do Domingo de Adviento

“Por lo tanto, cada árbol que no de buenos frutos será cortado y tirado al fuego.” Mateo 3:10

¿Da bueno frutos para Jesus? ¿Pasa tiempo en oración o pierde su tiempo con actividades sin sentido? ¿Utiliza sus talentos para ayudar a los demás o está demasiado ocupado? ¿Usa sus tesoros para apoyar a la Iglesia o para comprar más cosas que no utiliza? Nuestro tiempo y nuestro talento son dones de Dios.Lo que nosotros hacemos con estos dones es nuestro regalo de vuelta a Dios. ¿Qué regalos planificas darle al Señor durante esta próxima temporada navideña?

11 de diciembre de 2022

3er. Domingo de Adviento

“Sean también pacientes. Fortalezcan sus corazones, porque la venida del Señor está cerca.” Santiago 5:8

La paciencia es otra de esas cosas con las que muchos de nosotros luchamos. Queremos que las cosas que vayan de acuerdo con nuestros planes o nuestros horarios; nos gustan las cosas convenientes. Cualquier cambio conlleva ansiedad y temor. A través de la oración diaria Dios nos revela lo que Él quiere de nosotros con los dones que Él nos ha dado. Seremos capaces de alinearnos con la voluntad de Dios y Su plan, que es mucho mejor que cualquier cosa que se nos ocurra por nuestra cuenta.

18 de diciembre de 2022

4to. Domingo de Adviento

“Cuando José se despertó, hizo lo que el Angel del Señor le había ordenado y llevó su esposa a su hogar.” Mateo 1:24

Poner nuestra completa confianza en el Señor sin esperar nada a cambio. Esforzarnos en poner a Dios primero en todas las cosas y seguirlo a dondequiera que Él nos lleve. José fue un ejemplo de esos pilares de nuestra fe. A medida que nos preparamos para el nacimiento de nuestro Señor, oremos por la fortaleza y el valor para ser un modelo de discipulado, tal como lo fue José.

25 de diciembre de 2022

Solemnidad de la Natividad del Señor, la Navidad.

“Y el Verbo se hizo carne, y habitó entre nosotros…” Juan 1:14

Dios nos hizo para estar en relación con Él, y nos ama a cada uno de nosotros individualmente. A través del pecado, nuestra relación con Dios se rompió. Él nos dio a Jesús para restablecer nuestra relación. Siendo discípulos de Jesús se nos dio el modelo para obtener la vida eterna en el Cielo. Las Navidades no son acerca de los regalos materiales que recibimos, es acerca del amor que Dios, Nuestro Padre, nos dio al darnos a Su Hijo, Jesús, el mejor regalo que podríamos recibir.

Resources for #iGiveCatholic

The Diocese of Youngstown will be participating again in the #iGiveCatholic Giving Day on Tuesday, November 29, 2022

#iGiveCatholic, now in its 8th year, is a proven, dynamic crowdfunding event that offers an excellent opportunity for the Catholic Community to come together to give thanks, give back, and give Catholic! Last year, #iGiveCatholic helped organizations to raise over $16.5 million dollars on this internationally-recognized huge day of philanthropy.

Fr. John-Michael Lavelle has been offering guidance, support and training every step of the way!

Pastoral and Educational Services

Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry -NEW

1. Advent Retreat: December 1, 2022

The Annual Advent Retreat for Parish Ministers and their guests will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2022 from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Aurora. The Office of Faith Formation and Lay Ecclesial Ministry welcomes Father Don King as the retreat facilitator. Registration is required and more information is available by contacting the office.

2. New Adult Faith Formation Courses Coming Soon -NEW

New adult faith formation courses begin January 23, 2023. Watch the mail and Catechist Café for these new learning opportunities and their descriptions. These courses are not just for catechists, everyone is welcome to participate. No prior knowledge of the topic is required. If you have any questions about adult faith formation please contact Margie Hynes at 330-744-8451 ext. 296 or

3. New Library Resources -NEW

Living With Real Presence: Eucharist as an Approach to Life. S. James Meyer. Twenty-Third Publications, 2022. In this transformative new book, best-selling author S. James Meyer introduces us to a whole-life encounter with the living Christ, awakening a fresh awareness that the Eucharist is about life, love, and relationship. Living with Real Presence reminds us that our lives, Christ’s life, and all lives are united in a sacred communion with our Creator and creation. A spiritual journey for personal reflection or small-group discussion, Meyer’s “Eucharistic living” is a timely call for Catholics to engage in the National Eucharistic Revival.

The 7 Joys and Sorrows of Mary: Reflections, Actions, and Prayer. Melanie Rigney. Twenty-Third Publications, 2022. In this meaningful new devotional, readers are invited to walk with Mary, the mother of Jesus, as she encounters deep sorrow and great joy throughout her life. From the Annunciation to the Crucifixion and beyond, Melanie Rigney demonstrates how Mary is a model of strength and perseverance for all believers today. These deeply spiritual reflections, prayers, and writing prompts are powerful guides to help us grow closer to both Mary and her Son, Jesus.

Threshold Bible Study: Music, Hymn, and Canticles. Stephen J. Binz. Twenty-Third Publications, 2022. Why not give your music ministers, cantors, and choir the gift of music in sacred Scripture? Discover how music has played a central role in the life of God’s people, how hymns and songs have been woven into the fabric of their communal living and public worship. Choirs of voices, lyres and harps, strings and pipes, tambourines and dance all resonate in praise, remembering God’s wondrous deeds and celebrating the feasts of God’s people.

Office of Pro-Life, Marriage, and Family Life (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

1. Project Rachel Outreach – December Message for Bulletin/Newsletter (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Jesus came for all of us and knows our pain. There is Hope and Healing from abortion. For CONFIDENTIAL help text or call Project Rachel of Northeast Ohio at 330-360-0430 or go to

2. Intercessions for Life and Pro-Life Bulletin Briefs

Recommended intercessions and bulletin briefs for December, prepared by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, may be found at

3. National Night of Prayer for Life at the Basilica of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Youngstown (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

As part of the annual National Night of Prayer for Life on Thursday, December 8, the Basilica of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel at 343 Via Mt. Carmel, Youngstown is hosting a Mass at 7:00 p.m. and Eucharistic Adoration from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.

4. 9 Days for Life – Thursday, January 19 to Friday, January 27, 2023 (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Join thousands of Catholics nationwide in the annual Respect Life novena, 9 Days for Life, praying for the protection of human life. Get daily intentions, brief reflections, and more. Sign up at

5. The National March for Life: January 20, 2023 in Washington, D.C.

Ever since the unfortunate 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, those concerned about the right to life of unborn children have gathered annually in Washington DC to March for Life. Fortunately, this past June the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, but “the work to build a culture of life in the United States of America is far from finished.” Therefore, the March for Life will continue on Friday, January 20, 2023 with the theme “Next Steps: Marching Forward in a Post-Roe America!” For more information go to

If you or your parish, school or organization is planning to attend the March for Life in Washington D.C. on Friday, January 20, 2023, please contact Dave Schmidt in the Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life at 330-744-8451 ext. 272 or

6. National March for Life Related Events

The following events will take place before or after the 2023 National March for Life in Washington D.C.:

The National Prayer Vigil for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. will begin with an Opening Mass at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 19 and conclude with a Closing Mass at 8:00 a.m.

The National Pro-Life Summit, sponsored by Students for Life of America, will take place on Saturday, January 21 from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C. For more information go to:

The Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life will take place on Saturday, January 21from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. For more information go to:

For more information on the above items, or other related questions or concerns, contact 330-744-8451 ext. 272 or

7. Mass for Life: Sunday, January 22, 2023 at St. Columba Cathedral (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Full Page Flyer: Word Doc and PDF

Diocesan Event Page:

Bishop Bonnar will preside at a Mass for Life on Sunday, January 22, at 4:00 pm at St. Columba Cathedral, Youngstown (154 W. Wood St.). Bishop Bonnar will offer a special Blessing of Children in the Womb to women who are with child, and their families. In addition, there will be a blessing of pilgrims returning from the National March for Life in Washington, D.C. A reception will follow. All are welcome – no reservations needed. For more information contact or 330-744-8451 ext. 272.

8. Do You Know Someone Who is Expecting a Child? (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

If you know someone who is expecting a child, invite her and her family to attend the Mass for Life on Sunday, January 22, at 4:00 pm at St. Columba Cathedral, Youngstown (154 W. Wood St.). Bishop Bonnar will offer a special Blessing of Children in the Womb to women who are with child, and their families. The Mass will be followed by a reception. All are welcome – no reservations needed. For more information contact or 330-744-8451 ext. 272.

9. January 23, Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children -NEW

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM), no. 373, designates January 22 as a particular day of prayer and penance, called the “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children”: “In all the Dioceses of the United States of America, January 22 (or January 23, when January 22 falls on a Sunday) shall be observed as a particular day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion.” Additional information and resources may be found at and

10. Walking with Moms in Need

In March, Bishop Bonnar wrote to all pastors encouraging the implementation of Walking with Moms in Need in their parishes. This initiative from the USCCB is to help parishes come alongside and accompany pregnant and parenting mothers facing difficulties. Find out more about our local efforts and resources at 

The Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life is piloting Walking with Moms in Need in the Eastern Stark County Region of our diocese and has held information meetings in Mahoning, Stark and Portage Counties. Anyone interested in establishing this important effort in their parish or region may contact Dave Schmidt at or 330-744-8451 ext. 272.

11. INTO LIFE – Love Changes Everything 

A resource that is helpful in implementing Walking with Moms in Need is the INTO LIFE series. INTO LIFE: Love Changes Everything is a 12-part series created by the Sisters of Life and the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. Journey with the Sisters of Life as they explain what it means to walk with a woman who is pregnant and vulnerable. Go to or contact 330-744-8451 ext. 272 or

12. Marriage Preparation Engaged Couple Retreat Day -NEW

The next diocesan-sponsored one-day marriage preparation retreat days for engaged couples will be held Saturdays, February 4 and March 4, in the social hall at St. Columba Cathedral. Reservations are required. Registration information may be found at or go to at the “Ministries” drop-down menu and click on “Pro-Life, Marriage & Family Life.” The full schedule of Engaged Couple Retreats for 2023 is forthcoming.

Direct link for registration:

For more information on this, and other opportunities for marriage preparation formation, contact or 330-744-8451, ext.272.

13. National Marriage Week: February 7 – 14 -NEW

National Marriage Week is February 7-14. Stay tuned for materials from the USCCB’s Secretariat for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.


14. Annual White Mass for all Health Professionals Including Mental Health Workers (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

The Annual White Mass – celebrating and recognizing the ministry and work of those in the health professions – will be held on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Columba located at 154 W. Wood St. in Youngstown. Bishop David J. Bonnar will preside. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall. All are welcome. For more information call 330-744-8451 ext.272 or contact

Office of Worship -NEW

1. New Order of Penance

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, USCCB President issued a promulgation decree on June 24, 2022 for the recently confirmed Order of Penance.  The new translation may be used beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023, and the date for obligatory use has been set for Sunday, April 16, 2023.

Four publishers will produce ritual editions for use in the United States. Some presales began October 1, 2022: 

  1. Catholic Book Publishing Corp:
  2. Liturgy Training Publications:
  3. Magnificat:
  4. and Midwest Theological Forum.
2. New Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

In anticipation of the new Order of Christian of Adults, the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions is excited to announce a FREE webinar series on the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) beginning in September 2022 and continuing through February 2022.  The webinars will be offered in both English and Spanish and can be joined live or by viewing the recording.

For a schedule of dates, topics and presenters please visit: 

The webinars are open to all those involved in Initiation Ministry and OCIA Parish Team Members.

3. Liturgical Calendar Advisories for Upcoming Holy Days and Christmas/New Year

~Upcoming Holydays: Thursday, December 8, 2022, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be a normal holy day of obligation this year.  The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be celebrated on Monday, December 12, 2022.

~Sunday, December 25 – Christmas:  This year the Nativity of the Lord falls on Saturday (Christmas Eve) and Sunday (Christmas Day) this year.  Parishes should plan Mass on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day accordingly.

~Friday, December 30 – Feast of the Holy Family:  This year the Feast of the Holy Family will be celebrated on Friday, December 30, 2022.

~Sunday, January 1 – Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God:  The weekend of Saturday (December 31) and Sunday (January 1) will be the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.  The Feast of Epiphany will be the weekend of January 7-8, 2023, and the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord will be celebrated on Monday, January 9, 2023.

4. Sunday of the Word of God -NEW

On September 30, 2019, a Motu propio Apostolic Letter “Aperuit illis” issued by Pope Francis established the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time as the “Sunday of the Word of God.”  This year, January 21/22, 2023 will be designated as “Sunday of the Word of God” and is to be devoted to the celebration, study, and dissemination of the Word of God.  Recalling the importance given by the Second Vatican Council to rediscovering Sacred Scripture for the life of the Church, Pope Francis explains the celebration has “ecumenical value, since the Scriptures point out, for those who listen, the path to authentic and firm unity.”  Parishes are invited to find ways to mark this Sunday with a certain solemnity.  For more resources:

5. The Light is On for You ~ An Evening of Reconciliation

The Light is On for You ~ An Evening of Reconciliation will return this year and be celebrated on Wednesday, March 8, 2023.  Every parish should plan to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation that evening either by scheduling a Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service with neighboring/collaborating parishes or individual reconciliation.  The Office of Worship will provide materials in the coming months.

6. Liturgical Directory

The Liturgical Directory contains valuable information about Liturgy Committees; liturgical minister formation guidelines; guidelines for the celebration of sacraments; music in liturgical celebrations; and art and architecture directives. 

The directory can be accessed and downloaded by clicking the button below or visiting the DOY Office of Worship page:

7. Congratulations to 25 New Lay Leaders of Prayer -NEW

Congratulations to the 25 individuals who completed the Lay Leaders of Prayer Formation series. Please see the press release for the full list of names and parishes.

Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

1. Eagle of the Cross

Nomination forms will be sent out in January. It’s not too early to start thinking of nominations. Contact Fr. Ryan with any questions:

2. Confirmation Retreat

Fr. Ryan Furlong and Fr. Chad Johnson are teaming up to create a diocesan confirmation retreat.  Please contact them if interested at or

3. Spirits and Spirituality – December 1 (Bulletin Materials)** -NEW

All Young Adults are invited to join St. Michael the Archangel for their next Spirits and Spirituality gathering, Adoration and Appetizers on Thursday, December 1st. They will begin with Adoration at St. Michael’s (3430 St. Michael Dr. Canton, OH 44718) in their Chapel at 5:00 pm. Following Adoration, they will have a Christmas Party at Winking Lizard on Fulton Dr.


Diocesan Event Page:

4. Christmas Party at St. Thomas the Apostle (Vienna) -NEW

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Vienna will be having a Christmas decorating party with hot cocoa. All Youth and Young Adults welcome. Contact Fr. Ryan for more details.

Fr. Ryan is working with a diocesan planning council to plan and coordinate diocesan events.  Please contact him for more information or ways you can help at

Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Advent 2022: Resources for Discussion and Reflection -NEW

Find weekly Advent readings, reflections, questions and prayers prepared by The Lutheran-Catholic Covenant Commission of the Northeastern Ohio Lutheran Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America & Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown.

Questions? Contact Diocesan Director of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Rev. Shawn Conoboy, Ph.D. at

“The Meeting of Two Bishops: East and West” on December 13 at 6:30pm (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Full page flyer:

Diocesan event page:

The Society of St. John Chrysostom Youngstown-Warren Chapter presents:

The Meeting of Two Bishops: East and West

Addressing Contemporary Issues of Mutual Concern to Both East & West

December 13 at 6:30pm

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

220 N. Walnut St., Youngstown, OH 44503

Guests: Bishop David Bonnar (Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown)

Metropolitan Savas Zembillas (Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh)

For more information:

Fr. Shawn Conoboy, Ph.D. (Diocese of Youngstown)

Lori Demiduk, O.F.S. (Society of St. John Chrysostom)


The Necrology (In Memoriam) for Diocesan Clergy is now available online!

Many thanks to Robalyne Sciubba for keeping the Necrology updated.

Diocesan Cemeteries (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm on Fridays

Flyer: Divine Mercy Chaplet at Cemeteries

Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services of the Diocese of Youngstown will be offering The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayer Service in the chapels of our 4 Cemeteries at 3:00pm every Friday at alternating locations.

  1. First Friday of the month at Calvary Cemetery Chapel in Youngstown.
  2. Second Friday of the month at Resurrection Cemetery Chapel in Austintown.
  3. Third Friday of the month at All Souls Cemetery Chapel in Cortland.
  4. Fourth Friday of the month at Calvary Cemetery Chapel in Massillon.
Rosary at Calvary Cemetery (Youngstown) -NEW

Join us as we pray the Rosary at Calvary Cemetery in Youngstown on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:00 in the Chapel. We will be led by the Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart. All are welcome.

Christmas of Remembrance at Diocesan Cemeteries, Dec 6 at 5pm -NEW
We would like to cordially invite you and your family on Tuesday, December 6 from 5-7pm, to attend our Christmas of Remembrance Evening at all 4 of our cemeteries:
  • All Souls Cemetery in Cortland,
  • Calvary Cemetery in Massillon,
  • Calvary Cemetery in Youngstown and
  • Resurrection Cemetery in Austintown.
We will have local choirs with seasonal songs, a prayer service and an opportunity to hang an ornament on the Christmas tree in remembrance of a dearly departed loved one.  All are welcome! This service is offered at all of our 4 Diocesan Cemeteries:
With questions or to arrange a Remembrance Service, please call Jim Stein at 330-792-4721.

Parish Events

Send events and news for the Communique to by the 15th of the preceding month. Next deadline: December 15.

Are you planning a parish music event? Please contact/copy Diocesan Director of Music Ralph Holtzhauser at


Mahoning County | Cursillo Women’s Weekend Jan 12-15, 2023 (Bulletin Materials)

The Cursillo Movement of the Youngstown Diocese will be hosting a Women’s weekend from January 12 to 15, 2023. The weekend helps you experience your Catholic faith and encourages a spiritual life that is filled with joy and enthusiasm  From Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon, a team of Catholic religious and lay people will share insights on the lay person’s role within the church, the meaning of grace and the sacraments, and the importance of supporting one another in our efforts to live a Christian life. Throughout the weekend the participants will pray together, attend daily Mass and have an opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. For more information, contact Peg Elston at


Mahoning County | Lessons & Carols at St. Columba (Youngstown) Dec 11 at 6pm (Bulletin Materials) -NEW 

Full Page Flyer

Diocesan event page: 

Festival of Lessons & Carols

December 11th at 6pm

St. Columba Cathedral

159 W Rayen Ave., Youngstown, OH 44503

The Cathedral will be having the annual Lessons and Carols service with Bishop Bonnar presiding.  The music featured will reflect the “O Antiphons” tradition and will feature different instrumentalists and the Cathedral Choir.  A reception will follow.  This event is free and open to the public.  Donations are greatly appreciated.

A Festival of Lessons and Carols

Mahoning County | Generations of Faith Veterans’ Outreach at St Michael (Canfield) -NEW 

6 times a year, the Generations of Faith families participate in our service project bags. Last year we donated birthday cake supplies, Christmas stocking “stuffer” gifts, mid-year school supplies, hygiene products, Easter basket gifts and summer snacks. This year we decided to branch out and support local veterans during November, in honor of Veterans Day.

The attached photo shows the generosity of our Generations of Faith families. We partnered with Veterans’ Outreach to “fill the cupboard” with food and hygiene products. Over 120 families donated non-perishable food and hygiene supplies in to help local veterans in need. The photo includes Ron and Brian who are two of the volunteers and veterans.

For more information on Veterans’ Outreach, contact Teri Ely, Executive Director at 330-755-5792. Their website is:

Generations of Faith at St. Michael's (Canfield) Donates to Veteran's Outreach Nov 2022

Mahoning County | First Friday Club in December CANCELED -NEW

The First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown event is canceled in December due to illness of the scheduled speaker John L. Allen Jr.

Your prayers are appreciated.

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Integrating the principles of religious faith into our everyday lives and work.


Mahoning County | First Friday Club in January (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Dr. Wilkins: 1/5 Full Page Flyer

We continue the First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown 2022-23 Speaker Series season with a luncheon on the first Thursday in January! Join us as we welcome Charles E. Wilkins, M.D., expert and pioneer in geriatric medicine, on January 5, 2023. Dr. Wilkins will present “The Baby Boomer Generation a.k.a. the Alzheimer’s Generation” at Avion on the Water Banquet Center, 2177 W. Western Reserve Road in Canfield.

There will be an opportunity for participants’ questions to follow. Luncheon will be served at 11:30 a.m. with the presentation beginning at noon. The cost is $20.00. Call by December 30, 2022, 330-720-4498. Reservations are limited! 

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Integrating the principles of religious faith into our everyday lives and work.


Mahoning County | The Men of Independence Christmas Show at St Joseph (Youngstown) Dec 9 at 7pm** (Bulletin Materials) -NEW 

The Men of Independence Christmas Show

December 9th at 7pm

St. Joseph Church

4545 New Road, Youngstown, Ohio 44515

Come and enjoy all-time, favorite sacred selections and old classics. Many quartets will be featured. The Men of Independence are ranked 19th in the world by The Barbershop Harmony Society and are directed by 4 time gold medalist Gary Lewis.  This event is free and open to the public.  Donations are greatly appreciated.


Mahoning County & Recorded | Aid for Ukraine Concert Now Available Online (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

“Aid for Ukraine” Special Concert Still Accepting Donations 


St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church in Austintown, Ohio held a unique concert on Sunday, November 20th that featured Ukrainian choirs, world renowned concert pianist Roman Rudnytsky, and the debut of the barbershop quarter “Tuned Up.”

The recorded concert is now available online at

St. Anne’s Church can receive donations by mailing a check or online at

All collected donations will be forwarded to Ukraine through the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of St. Josaphat in Parma, Ohio. Thank you for your generosity and your support of Ukraine! Please pray for peace in Ukraine. May our Lord reward you abundantly in this life and the life to come!


Stark County | Christmas Bells at St. Joseph (Massillon) Dec 11 at 3pm (Bulletin Materials) -NEW

Christmas Bells

December 11th at 3pm

St. Joseph Church

322 3rd St SE, Massillon, OH 44646

The Harmony Ringers, a premiere auditioned handbell choir, will give a Christmas concert entitled “Christmas Bells” at St. Joseph Catholic Church on December 11th at 3:00pm.  This event is free and open to the public.  Donations are greatly appreciated.


Stark County | Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at St Michael (Canton) on Nov 22 at 7pm -NEW

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

November 22 at 7pm

Livestream: or

St. Michael the Archangel Church

3430 St. Michael Dr. N.W., Canton, OH 44718


St. Michael the Archangel Parish will host the 43rd Annual Stark County Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, at 7:00 pm in the Church. The Interfaith service brings together faith communities from around greater Stark County to give thanks to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon all of us.

Reverend Benson C. Okpara, Ph. D., Pastor of St. Michael the Archangel will deliver a Thanksgiving message. Many Stark County congregations will be represented, including, Jewish, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Islamic, Church of Christ, and Unitarian Universalists. The program will also include reflection, scripture, prayer, and music from the various choirs. Each representative will share a message of thanks and gratitude.

We also come together to fundraise for Thanksgiving Baskets Downtown. For more than 30 years, Thanksgiving Baskets Downtown has united faith communities and civic organizations in Canton, Ohio, in an all-volunteer effort to provide families with food at Thanksgiving.

This year we are happy to come together in person at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, 3430 St. Michael Dr. N.W., Canton, OH 44718. There is a live stream option for those that are not able to join us in person. Please visit or to live stream the service.

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