Diocesan Collection for The Catholic Echo – January 11 & 12, 2025 (Bulletin Materials)

You may use a Catholic Echo logo from https://doy.org/our-brand/press-kit/ to accompany the announcement or find it in the attachment folder at  https://bit.ly/jan2025comm Publish in the bulletin any time in December and the weekends of January 4/5 & 11/12.

NOTE TO PARISHES: Beginning with the January 2025 offertory envelopes, the Diocese of Youngstown will include an offering envelope for “The Catholic Echo.” This will replace the January envelope for “Communications.” The offerings made via this envelope, like the former “Catholic Exponent” envelope, are to remain in the parish to assist the parish in meeting the prescribed subsidy for providing the Echo to parishioners in each parish. Aware that some parishes have already included such an envelope on their own accord, no funds generated by these envelopes should be forwarded to the Diocese. Thank you.


The Catholic Echo shines a light on local Catholic life through stories in the print magazine, website, and diocesan social media. This evangelical effort reaches 52,000 households, inviting all into closer relationships with Jesus Christ and our local Church. To support this ministry, please give to The Catholic Echo second collection. This publication is geared toward forming, informing and engaging registered parishioners in all our Catholic parishes, plus additional subscribers and website visitors. If you are not receiving the magazine but want to, please contact our parish office to update your registration or visit catholicecho.org/subscribe


Our second collection today is for The Catholic Echo, supporting coverage of local Catholic life in the six-county Diocese of Youngstown. You see their photography and reporting in the print magazine, catholicecho.org website, and diocesan social media. This includes popular guides for Catholic Education, Lenten Fish Fries, Parish Festivals, and much more. If you are not receiving the magazine but want to, please contact our parish office to update your contact information. Thank you for your support of The Catholic Echo in the second collection today.

Learn more about The Catholic Echo magazine.

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