Lessons and Carols at Cathedral of St. Columba

A Festival of Lessons and Carols


MORE INFO: Ralph Holtzhauser, Office of Worship, rholtzhauser@youngstowndiocese.org

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO – Saint Columba Cathedral will present its annual Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., with the Most Rev. David J. Bonnar, Bishop of Youngstown, presiding. The service will feature the Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Mr. Ralph Holtzhauser, Diocesan Director of Music, and the cathedral lectors coordinated by Mrs. Laura Elder, and families of the parish led by Sister Martha Reed, OSU.  The program is based on the ancient traditional “O Antiphons.” The event is free and open to the public, with a free-will offering gladly accepted and a reception to follow. Security and ample free parking will be provided.


Note: See the Diocesan event at https://doy.org/events/festival-of-lessons-and-carols/

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